Slow Down

There I sat with the last remaining bits of sunlight pouring into the dimly lit room, it wasn't much light but enough to see the two little eyes staring into mine. I had just finished telling my little guy it was time for bed and we were all done reading books. His big eyes staring into mine, pacy moving back and forth he looked at me quizzically. Then suddenly I see his tiny hand reach out as I hear him say "Noooe" right before grabbing my nose. *sigh* The tears came quick. Unexpected... Hard and fast. These moments people, they melt me to my core. The joy he finds in the new things he is learning, and realizing he can communicate. I know all too soon this phase will be long past. It's such a brief time and one of my favorite ages. It's also one of the most challenging and exhausting times. It's so easy some days, to rush through life, and not stop and cherish such special moments with your kiddos. So instead of rushing him off to his crib, I rocked, snuggled, hugged and kissed my little guy a little longer, all while my tears covered his cute little baby mullet that I cannot bring myself to cut off. Moments like this make motherhood worth it. I want to remember these moments forever, they make me want to freeze time a little bit, just so I can enjoy them a little longer.  Because all too soon they will be over and I know I'll miss it. <3


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