Time Flies When You're Having Fun
So it's been a while since I've posted anything. Life is busy, busy! SO much to blog about and so little time! So to start at the beginning, or to pick up where I left off. My Mom and Dad moved, my sister moved, Caitlyn is pregnant, we went to NH for a wedding, then spent a few days in Maine, football started, there were weekends of search and rescue training, WOF, yardwork, Kings Dominion, cleaning and scrapbooking! It's all we can do to keep up with life right now, so it has been hard to find time to blog.
Wait, did I mention that Caitlyn is having a baby?!?!?! I am SO stinking excited for her! She is the cutest little pregnant person EVER! We have been able to hangout more since she is on a different schedule right now and boy oh boy am I enjoying it! She is so sweet and has provided me with endless amounts of knowledge do to her natural inclination to research things and talk about everything she learns! I have always enjoyed talking to her about any one subject, she seems to have endless facts and stories... It makes for a good time. Here is one of the first baby pictures we took!
So aside from all the excitement surrounding that, life is pretty normal around here. We are too busy to even blink! Did I mention how amazing my in-laws are??? That is my amazing mother-in-law above along with Rose, my other sis-in-law. I love these women!!!
I have been enjoying a woman's small group and it has been amazing! God is so good to us, and life is wonderful! Joshua is such an amazing husband and I feel pretty content with our little life currently, especially with things feeling a bit more organized at home:-) I am excited for the coming months with Thanksgiving, Christmas and SNOW (pretty please) right around the corner!
Hopefully I will do better at updating this thing in the future, but that is all for now:-)
Wait, did I mention that Caitlyn is having a baby?!?!?! I am SO stinking excited for her! She is the cutest little pregnant person EVER! We have been able to hangout more since she is on a different schedule right now and boy oh boy am I enjoying it! She is so sweet and has provided me with endless amounts of knowledge do to her natural inclination to research things and talk about everything she learns! I have always enjoyed talking to her about any one subject, she seems to have endless facts and stories... It makes for a good time. Here is one of the first baby pictures we took!
So aside from all the excitement surrounding that, life is pretty normal around here. We are too busy to even blink! Did I mention how amazing my in-laws are??? That is my amazing mother-in-law above along with Rose, my other sis-in-law. I love these women!!!
I have been enjoying a woman's small group and it has been amazing! God is so good to us, and life is wonderful! Joshua is such an amazing husband and I feel pretty content with our little life currently, especially with things feeling a bit more organized at home:-) I am excited for the coming months with Thanksgiving, Christmas and SNOW (pretty please) right around the corner!
Hopefully I will do better at updating this thing in the future, but that is all for now:-)