A Favorite Family & A Sunny Day
Get ready cause this one is going to be a long one full of photos!!!
Meet the Youngs...

Adventure is not optional.
Meet the Youngs...
Oh where to begin! I cannot even begin to put into words how much this family means to me... Byron, the ever talented landscaper/hardscaper. Amie the beyond AMAZING mother of 3. Sierra, lover of all people and will chat your ear off, she also LOVES to be photographed! Mia, miss bug and animal lover, a true tomboy. Truxton, he is, well... A boy! Into everything, and good at making messes. Perfect.
From the moment Amie moved here I knew I'd love her! Like me, Amie was homeschooled growing up. It may have been in a different part of the country but us homeschooled children have a special bond. Only we really understand the jokes about clothing we were forced to wear, learning to sew against our will, being asked why were not in school while in the grocery store, or even being able to spot a fellow homeschooler from across a parking lot. Sure she was quiet at first but she was so full of life and I quickly realized how chatty and fun she really was!
The past few years have been interesting to say the least and Amie has always been there as a friend to lend a listening ear about anything I was upset over. She truly is a sister-friend! :-)
Joshua and I spent the better part of our dating/friend years hanging out with this family. Sunday evening consisted of fast food and hanging out at their house. We were blessed to have them part of our wedding day as well!
Sierra is 8 and the oldest. It freaks me out when I think about it. I was 18 when Amie moved here, and that seems so long ago for me that I can only imagine how it feels to her.
Oh Mia, she is 6 and the middle child... I had the honor of watching her birth. It was the most amazing thing I have EVER seen!
Then there is Truxton, he will be 3 in January and is so precious. His favorite pastime with me was kicking me as a greeting. Luckily he has grown out of that... I hope. He also rarely looks at the camera which you will notice.
Being a mommy was Amie's dream since she was a little girl! She is a great one too!
Sisters are such a gift! It's moments like these that make good memories:-)

Family is so special and few of us truly ever experience it.
Just don't forget to stop and enjoy it!
She is such a goof!
Ever the model.
The youngest and ALL boy!
Looking at these in a row made me giggle, so you get to do the same thing!
Hay bales should always include jumping
You are never too little to jump.
Adventure is not optional.
Amie moved here from Kansas, and while I know how much she misses her family I have certainly been blessed to have her, and her family in my life! Life can be tough, especially when the family you grew up with lives over 900 miles away. Memories are some of life's greatest treasures, but they are also the one thing that can make changes in life harder. Ultimately we need to treasure each moment that memories are made, the bonds will become stronger and family is what remains. To one of my favorite families and wonderful friends! I love you guys!!!
P.S. I tagged you on my blog for a little blogger fun...if you're interested, the rules are on my home page. :)