Well early in the morning on November 19th, before the sun had even shown it's bright face we set off northbound toward Maine. This would be my 7th year making this trip up to New England to experience a family tradition that has been around for literally decades!
First stop was in Massachusetts, we spent the evening enjoying a live band that one of Joshua's Uncle's played in. It was a pretty neat band and they played pretty awesome music. This stop also involved dinner. I had adult mac n' cheese with lobstah of course! Joshua had some variation of seafood pasta which ended up being a spicy dish of heaven! What else would you eat in new england?!?!?!

After sleeping we took off to find breakfast and finish our trek to Maine. We found a local coffee spot (of course) for some grub and set off. This time we added Kenzie to our clan.

One of my favorite parts of the trip is when we enter Maine. you go over this super long bridge that Joshua likes to hold his breath over (yes, he is usually driving). The state line is the river. For some reason I just get so excited to see the sign!

See??? Happiness! Well Joshua and I like to mozy our ways when it's just us. We sometimes stop random places just cause we can. Well this was no exception. The Sea Basket was coming up fast (by fast I mean 2 hours) and we were definitely stopping!

We ordered a mixed sea basket which is pure heaven! Scallops, haddock, shrimp and clams!!!

Well after several stops in Damariscotta for coffee, sunglasses and a new beanie we finally made it to the cottage (20 minutes before the other three who stopped to visit Meme).
In Maine we do literally nothing. We sit, enjoy life and eat food. We walk in the morning and refuse to shower everyday. It just makes you feel lazy! Ironically, we exercise more in Maine than anywhere else! We either walk or run everyday, and not a leisure stroll either. We walk to Salt Pond (3 miles), The Monument (4 miles), Route 32 (5 miles), or the ever favorite by the boys, "The Loop" (6 miles). The loop was made famous by Grampy. Every summer there is a race held in Bristol, ME. It was named after Grampy and it's conveniently located right outside the cottage. Grampy was an avid runner, I couldn't tell you how many marathons he ran and he didn't even start till late in his 30's! So the family carries on the tradition of trying to kill each other by running the hardest or fastest. They also have LOTS of fun picking on each other (all in love).
Before everyone gets to Maine we go grocery shopping and just hangout. We visited Grampy's grave so Nanny could put a beautiful basket on his gravestone. While we were there Nanny informed us she had new neighbors, we didn't realize what she meant at first...

Chloe was thrilled! No really she was!

There is lots more to share about family, food, football, presents, and love. I don't have nearly enough photos to show you all this. In short I have realized how wonderful tradition is and how much memories drive us. This Thanksgiving was slightly different. It felt like the end of an era in some ways. There may be more years like this one, but if not, I think this wonderful family has lots of love and memories to last them a lifetime! For me, it reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for. We often take little things for granted and I realized how much my family meant to me too. It has been SO wonderful to be accepted into such a loving family and experience this wonderful tradition. I am truly blessed!!!
First stop was in Massachusetts, we spent the evening enjoying a live band that one of Joshua's Uncle's played in. It was a pretty neat band and they played pretty awesome music. This stop also involved dinner. I had adult mac n' cheese with lobstah of course! Joshua had some variation of seafood pasta which ended up being a spicy dish of heaven! What else would you eat in new england?!?!?!
After sleeping we took off to find breakfast and finish our trek to Maine. We found a local coffee spot (of course) for some grub and set off. This time we added Kenzie to our clan.
One of my favorite parts of the trip is when we enter Maine. you go over this super long bridge that Joshua likes to hold his breath over (yes, he is usually driving). The state line is the river. For some reason I just get so excited to see the sign!
See??? Happiness! Well Joshua and I like to mozy our ways when it's just us. We sometimes stop random places just cause we can. Well this was no exception. The Sea Basket was coming up fast (by fast I mean 2 hours) and we were definitely stopping!
We ordered a mixed sea basket which is pure heaven! Scallops, haddock, shrimp and clams!!!
Well after several stops in Damariscotta for coffee, sunglasses and a new beanie we finally made it to the cottage (20 minutes before the other three who stopped to visit Meme).
In Maine we do literally nothing. We sit, enjoy life and eat food. We walk in the morning and refuse to shower everyday. It just makes you feel lazy! Ironically, we exercise more in Maine than anywhere else! We either walk or run everyday, and not a leisure stroll either. We walk to Salt Pond (3 miles), The Monument (4 miles), Route 32 (5 miles), or the ever favorite by the boys, "The Loop" (6 miles). The loop was made famous by Grampy. Every summer there is a race held in Bristol, ME. It was named after Grampy and it's conveniently located right outside the cottage. Grampy was an avid runner, I couldn't tell you how many marathons he ran and he didn't even start till late in his 30's! So the family carries on the tradition of trying to kill each other by running the hardest or fastest. They also have LOTS of fun picking on each other (all in love).
Before everyone gets to Maine we go grocery shopping and just hangout. We visited Grampy's grave so Nanny could put a beautiful basket on his gravestone. While we were there Nanny informed us she had new neighbors, we didn't realize what she meant at first...
It's such a beautiful place! Grampy would go clamming here. You cannot go clamming unless you are a resident of Maine, it's against the law and you have to have a license.
Nanny's new neighbors.
The week mostly flew by. We played bananagrams, went to Pemaquid Point, got invited over to Nanny's friends for wine and snacks, only it was more like dinner! Joshua and I made Mrs. Fields cookies (Grampy's favorite). Can you tell everyone thinks about Grampy up here. It's such a legacy to who he was and celebrating his memory!
There is lots more to share about family, food, football, presents, and love. I don't have nearly enough photos to show you all this. In short I have realized how wonderful tradition is and how much memories drive us. This Thanksgiving was slightly different. It felt like the end of an era in some ways. There may be more years like this one, but if not, I think this wonderful family has lots of love and memories to last them a lifetime! For me, it reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for. We often take little things for granted and I realized how much my family meant to me too. It has been SO wonderful to be accepted into such a loving family and experience this wonderful tradition. I am truly blessed!!!