Introducing... Shiloh Abygael Rancourt
In the wee morning hours of November 14th the alarm in our bedroom
went off. The sun had yet to peek it's face and the events of the day
were looming ahead. I was anxious. I am not sure that I slept hardly
at all. Our little family of 2 was about to become 3 and all I wanted
was for everything to go smoothly. It was decided by my Dr. and us that
we would move forward with an induction on the 14th if our baby hadn't
arrived. Sure we could wait a little longer but then we would prob have
a different Dr. and we wanted ours to be there for our baby's birth.
Dr. Palmer came into our lives in August. She took over for Dr. Altizer, my initial Dr. I was upset she was leaving and didn't know what I would do or who I would see. Well God has a funny way of providing people that you need and they end up better than what you thought you wanted.
In the days leading up to this day I tried everything to make her come on her own, and I do mean everything. Nothing worked. I cried and pleaded with God, I was sure that an induction meant bad things. I was wrong. What I experienced that morning and day was the most beautiful thing I have ever had a part of in my entire life. These are the moments that forever changed my life.
We arrived at the Birthing Center right around 6:15am, but not before stopping at Starbucks for Joshua. If there was ever a day he needed coffee, this was it. We were greeted by the wonderful staff and quickly checked in. We got all our stuff set-up in room 189 and began the process. Lori was the nurse who got me all set-up. She was about to get off work and was a little silly from a long shift. She had me change into a gown and got me all set-up with monitors and an IV. She did spill my blood on the towel and my knee. I also realized my bracelets had my name spelled wrong and the joking back and forth really helped to ease my anxiety.
Rose arrived around 7am. We knew she had arrived cause it sounded like there was a party at the nurses station and Rose is a welcome face to all the staff at Lewis Gale. I decided the day before that I would really like for Rose to be in the room with us. She has been my go to person for questions my whole pregnancy and since I was so anxious about the induction I knew Rose would be able to explain things to me and she wouldn't lie to me. Needless to say she was super stoked to be a part of our special day.
Lori left and I met my nurse for the day, Tanya. She was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better nurse. She had 35 years experience and referred to herself as a bed sitter. She started her career back when you had to chart and document everything on paper and basically had to sit by the bed and monitor the patients very closely. She only works at Lewis Gale once a week so it was a totally a God thing that she was my nurse. She stayed next to me a lot and I loved that!
After countless questions, some the same one repeated multiple times... Dr. Palmer had arrived. The plan was to start Pitocin first and get things moving along. She wanted to wait to break my water to avoid infection. So they started the Pit at 2 and upped it 2 more every half hour. I don't know what I expected really but I have heard such horrible stories about Pit that I expected pain to hit me in a huge wave and feel miserable immediately. Well it doesn't really work like that. I started having contractions but they were barely noticeable. My nurse Tanya, (best nurse ever!) said the goal was to get me having contractions ever 2-3 minutes. We got there within an hour, but I could have been taking a nap and that meant these contractions most likely were not changing my cervix.
Dr. Palmer came back down to check on me around 10:45am. Since I hadn't progressed really she broke my waters. It's really amazing the amount of fluids that God puts inside your body to protect your baby! After my water broke the contractions started to hurt more. I still wasn't too uncomfortable so my Pitocin kept going up. Pastor Mike came by the hospital to say hello and pray with me and Joshua. He prayed for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. He also prayed for Joshua and I to have strength and peace during such an exciting time. It was super nice to know we have such support from our church.
By this time the contractions were getting much more intense. I could still function but it's kinda weird to know something is happening but not know what, exactly. I was hoping my cervix was dilating and knew the discomfort was a good thing. Caitlyn stopped by with lunch for Rose and Joshua. I wasn't allowed to eat anything but they did let me have popsicles:-) I requested that Joshua and Rose ask for something that was cold and wouldn't fill the room with an amazing aroma, they got Jimmy Johns. By this point I decided to move from the bed to my exercise ball since I had been in the bed that whole time I didn't want to end up trapped there without getting out when I could. The contractions were coming about every 2 minutes by this point and I wasn't getting a very good break between. It made it a little hard to concentrate on certain things. Sheila stopped by during this since she wouldn't be able to the next day. She was super sweet to stop by and it was nice to chat. Toward the end of her visit I was having a hard time concentrating on anything but the fact that another contraction was coming soon and I wanted to know when it would be over...
Did I mention my nurse was amazing? She knew I'd want an epidural and I said I thought I would go ahead and get one. Before I said I wanted one she had already gone to get the cart and alert the anesthesiologist. So when she left to actually go get him, he was back within the minute! Joshua sat in front of me and I sat on the side of the bed. The epidural might have been the worst part of the whole giving birth experience. He said I'd feel pressure, and I did, but man alive that needle hurt! I never saw the needle which was prob good. Joshua said it was the only time he was really worried about me cause I was moaning. I don't really remember that part of it but he was super quick and once he finished I felt this warm sensation move down my body. It was lovely!
I got the epidural around 3pm and afterward Tanya checked my progress. I was at 3cm. What? Only 3? Surely I was farther along than that. I was immediately glad I got the epidural but worried about how much longer this process would take.
For the next two and a half hours we waited. I say waited cause I wasn't in pain anymore and so it really just involved sitting around. During this time I got cold so Tanya lowered my fluids so I'd be warmer, my already low blood pressure dropped even lower. This was due to my epidural, and it's pretty common. This ended up affecting Shiloh's heart rate. Every time I had a contraction her heart rate would dip and then come back up. Tanya remained calm and proceeded to turn me one way, and then the other, she upped my fluids and got me a heated blanket (best thing ever!), I also got oxygen for a while. She was awesome and just wanted to take care of our baby. Joshua was super concerned during all of this but Rose was a rock. She didn't seem phased and said it wasn't good that her heart rate kept dipping but she had seen way worse and wasn't concerned.
Around 5:30pm Tanya finally decided to check and see my progress. I was at 7cm and 100% effaced! WOW! That was unexpected and quick! Momma C was on her way with food for Rose and Joshua. When she arrived it was about 5:45pm and we chatted for a few minutes and then Tanya checked me again. I was at 9cm! Holy moly! How'd that happen so quick? Tanya had me push real quick and then declared it was time to push! Wait, what? I was not ready for that... Apparently you can push yourself to 10cm. Momma C was still in the room and I was kinda in shock. This was it, I was about to meet our little girl:-)
Momma C went out to the lobby to wait, and Rose and Joshua prepared to coach me through the tough part. Tanya talked me through the pushing while Rose help one leg and Joshua held the other. After a few minutes Dr. Palmer was there and suddenly there were nurses everywhere. A table was set-up with all sorts of tools, the scale was moved in, and nurses were coming back and forth. I just tried to focus on the task at hand. They had given me a mirror but after a few minutes it was more distracting than encouraging so they moved it away. I could feel pressure when I was having contractions so I knew when to push. I could also move my legs and hold them somewhat which isn't often the case when you get an epidural. When it was time to push, I pushed for all I was worth! Rose, Tanya and Joshua were super encouraging and kept saying how great I was doing. I figured they were just being nice. I mean Joshua was telling me I was doing awesome, but how would he know that at all??? It didn't matter, it was all I needed to keep going. I got to the point where he little head started to come out and then the contraction ended. I could tell everyone in the room had wished she had gotten further so I pushed without a contraction. I am not sure why I tried but I guess I sensed something might be wrong. It turns out her heart rate had dropped some and when I pushed the last time she pushed on my belly to help her out. Just like that out she came! It was exactly 6:30pm.
I was so unprepared for the rush of emotion I'd feel as they place her tiny little body on my chest, without warning I just started weeping! She was here, she was BEAUTIFUL! Completely perfect in every way! Joshua was right next to me checking her out, I don't remember much but I do remember her screaming and me saying "Shhhh.... It's ok baby." It's hard to describe such a miracle with mere words. Rose took lots of pictures and made sure to document the important moments. She was 7lbs. 8oz. and 19 3/4 inches long.
While Shiloh was getting cleaned up Rose left to go wait in the lobby and give us some space. She apparently raved about how amazing I was while they waited. I only pushed for 30 minutes total, which for a first time Momma with an epidural is unheard of. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, these are just facts. Most of the time you could push anywhere from an hour to three!
Once Shiloh was all clean, and I was stitched back up... Ouch! We were ready for visitors and for Shiloh to meet her family! I don't really know who came first but we were showered with love that evening! It was wonderful to know how loved we were and how loved our little girl is!!!
was by far the most wonderful thing I have ever been a part of and I
will forever be grateful to those around us who helped us get to this
moment:-) I cannot wait to see her grow and experience this love that
God has blessed us with!

Dr. Palmer came into our lives in August. She took over for Dr. Altizer, my initial Dr. I was upset she was leaving and didn't know what I would do or who I would see. Well God has a funny way of providing people that you need and they end up better than what you thought you wanted.
In the days leading up to this day I tried everything to make her come on her own, and I do mean everything. Nothing worked. I cried and pleaded with God, I was sure that an induction meant bad things. I was wrong. What I experienced that morning and day was the most beautiful thing I have ever had a part of in my entire life. These are the moments that forever changed my life.
We arrived at the Birthing Center right around 6:15am, but not before stopping at Starbucks for Joshua. If there was ever a day he needed coffee, this was it. We were greeted by the wonderful staff and quickly checked in. We got all our stuff set-up in room 189 and began the process. Lori was the nurse who got me all set-up. She was about to get off work and was a little silly from a long shift. She had me change into a gown and got me all set-up with monitors and an IV. She did spill my blood on the towel and my knee. I also realized my bracelets had my name spelled wrong and the joking back and forth really helped to ease my anxiety.
Rose arrived around 7am. We knew she had arrived cause it sounded like there was a party at the nurses station and Rose is a welcome face to all the staff at Lewis Gale. I decided the day before that I would really like for Rose to be in the room with us. She has been my go to person for questions my whole pregnancy and since I was so anxious about the induction I knew Rose would be able to explain things to me and she wouldn't lie to me. Needless to say she was super stoked to be a part of our special day.
Lori left and I met my nurse for the day, Tanya. She was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better nurse. She had 35 years experience and referred to herself as a bed sitter. She started her career back when you had to chart and document everything on paper and basically had to sit by the bed and monitor the patients very closely. She only works at Lewis Gale once a week so it was a totally a God thing that she was my nurse. She stayed next to me a lot and I loved that!
After countless questions, some the same one repeated multiple times... Dr. Palmer had arrived. The plan was to start Pitocin first and get things moving along. She wanted to wait to break my water to avoid infection. So they started the Pit at 2 and upped it 2 more every half hour. I don't know what I expected really but I have heard such horrible stories about Pit that I expected pain to hit me in a huge wave and feel miserable immediately. Well it doesn't really work like that. I started having contractions but they were barely noticeable. My nurse Tanya, (best nurse ever!) said the goal was to get me having contractions ever 2-3 minutes. We got there within an hour, but I could have been taking a nap and that meant these contractions most likely were not changing my cervix.
Dr. Palmer came back down to check on me around 10:45am. Since I hadn't progressed really she broke my waters. It's really amazing the amount of fluids that God puts inside your body to protect your baby! After my water broke the contractions started to hurt more. I still wasn't too uncomfortable so my Pitocin kept going up. Pastor Mike came by the hospital to say hello and pray with me and Joshua. He prayed for a safe delivery and a healthy baby. He also prayed for Joshua and I to have strength and peace during such an exciting time. It was super nice to know we have such support from our church.
By this time the contractions were getting much more intense. I could still function but it's kinda weird to know something is happening but not know what, exactly. I was hoping my cervix was dilating and knew the discomfort was a good thing. Caitlyn stopped by with lunch for Rose and Joshua. I wasn't allowed to eat anything but they did let me have popsicles:-) I requested that Joshua and Rose ask for something that was cold and wouldn't fill the room with an amazing aroma, they got Jimmy Johns. By this point I decided to move from the bed to my exercise ball since I had been in the bed that whole time I didn't want to end up trapped there without getting out when I could. The contractions were coming about every 2 minutes by this point and I wasn't getting a very good break between. It made it a little hard to concentrate on certain things. Sheila stopped by during this since she wouldn't be able to the next day. She was super sweet to stop by and it was nice to chat. Toward the end of her visit I was having a hard time concentrating on anything but the fact that another contraction was coming soon and I wanted to know when it would be over...
Did I mention my nurse was amazing? She knew I'd want an epidural and I said I thought I would go ahead and get one. Before I said I wanted one she had already gone to get the cart and alert the anesthesiologist. So when she left to actually go get him, he was back within the minute! Joshua sat in front of me and I sat on the side of the bed. The epidural might have been the worst part of the whole giving birth experience. He said I'd feel pressure, and I did, but man alive that needle hurt! I never saw the needle which was prob good. Joshua said it was the only time he was really worried about me cause I was moaning. I don't really remember that part of it but he was super quick and once he finished I felt this warm sensation move down my body. It was lovely!
I got the epidural around 3pm and afterward Tanya checked my progress. I was at 3cm. What? Only 3? Surely I was farther along than that. I was immediately glad I got the epidural but worried about how much longer this process would take.
For the next two and a half hours we waited. I say waited cause I wasn't in pain anymore and so it really just involved sitting around. During this time I got cold so Tanya lowered my fluids so I'd be warmer, my already low blood pressure dropped even lower. This was due to my epidural, and it's pretty common. This ended up affecting Shiloh's heart rate. Every time I had a contraction her heart rate would dip and then come back up. Tanya remained calm and proceeded to turn me one way, and then the other, she upped my fluids and got me a heated blanket (best thing ever!), I also got oxygen for a while. She was awesome and just wanted to take care of our baby. Joshua was super concerned during all of this but Rose was a rock. She didn't seem phased and said it wasn't good that her heart rate kept dipping but she had seen way worse and wasn't concerned.
Around 5:30pm Tanya finally decided to check and see my progress. I was at 7cm and 100% effaced! WOW! That was unexpected and quick! Momma C was on her way with food for Rose and Joshua. When she arrived it was about 5:45pm and we chatted for a few minutes and then Tanya checked me again. I was at 9cm! Holy moly! How'd that happen so quick? Tanya had me push real quick and then declared it was time to push! Wait, what? I was not ready for that... Apparently you can push yourself to 10cm. Momma C was still in the room and I was kinda in shock. This was it, I was about to meet our little girl:-)
Momma C went out to the lobby to wait, and Rose and Joshua prepared to coach me through the tough part. Tanya talked me through the pushing while Rose help one leg and Joshua held the other. After a few minutes Dr. Palmer was there and suddenly there were nurses everywhere. A table was set-up with all sorts of tools, the scale was moved in, and nurses were coming back and forth. I just tried to focus on the task at hand. They had given me a mirror but after a few minutes it was more distracting than encouraging so they moved it away. I could feel pressure when I was having contractions so I knew when to push. I could also move my legs and hold them somewhat which isn't often the case when you get an epidural. When it was time to push, I pushed for all I was worth! Rose, Tanya and Joshua were super encouraging and kept saying how great I was doing. I figured they were just being nice. I mean Joshua was telling me I was doing awesome, but how would he know that at all??? It didn't matter, it was all I needed to keep going. I got to the point where he little head started to come out and then the contraction ended. I could tell everyone in the room had wished she had gotten further so I pushed without a contraction. I am not sure why I tried but I guess I sensed something might be wrong. It turns out her heart rate had dropped some and when I pushed the last time she pushed on my belly to help her out. Just like that out she came! It was exactly 6:30pm.
I was so unprepared for the rush of emotion I'd feel as they place her tiny little body on my chest, without warning I just started weeping! She was here, she was BEAUTIFUL! Completely perfect in every way! Joshua was right next to me checking her out, I don't remember much but I do remember her screaming and me saying "Shhhh.... It's ok baby." It's hard to describe such a miracle with mere words. Rose took lots of pictures and made sure to document the important moments. She was 7lbs. 8oz. and 19 3/4 inches long.
While Shiloh was getting cleaned up Rose left to go wait in the lobby and give us some space. She apparently raved about how amazing I was while they waited. I only pushed for 30 minutes total, which for a first time Momma with an epidural is unheard of. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, these are just facts. Most of the time you could push anywhere from an hour to three!
Once Shiloh was all clean, and I was stitched back up... Ouch! We were ready for visitors and for Shiloh to meet her family! I don't really know who came first but we were showered with love that evening! It was wonderful to know how loved we were and how loved our little girl is!!!
