Guys, I want to be that Mom who loves summer! The one who missed her kids so much and can't wait to have them to myself for those precious weeks in the summer. Who plans fun trips, and makes all the memories. I want to be fun and I want them to have fond memories of being home with me. I want to be the one who is sad when school starts in the fall because I'm just going to miss them so much!
Well let me tell ya, I always thought I was that Mom... Until my Kindergartener came home at the beginning of the summer as a First Grader. The first few weeks all my kids did was scream at one another until I ended up screaming at them. So I would separate them, or leave the house. I ate lots of candy... Kid #1 also expected every second of the day to be planned. "What are we going to do after that Mom?" "Go play! You can do anything you want right now and I am not planning out every second of your day!"
We ended up making a bucket list, we printed out a calendar to help the kid who needed to know the plan for each day, we played hard, we did fun stuff, we took crazy trips that we will cherish forever! We made memories and soaked up every single moment! Vacations helped distract them, it was something different, new and fun... and yes we made all the memories.
Ultimately we figured it out, we've hit our stride, we have our routine, they are fighting less and playing together nicely more. We are enjoying each other and loving every second (mostly)! But through these last weeks I have learned we thrive on structure! We like the routine that the school year brings, Shiloh ADORES school and loves learning so much it's fun to send her back! Tobias plays so well by himself. He likes alone time, he likes the quiet. Mommy likes the quiet!
So as tomorrow arrives, even though there is a bittersweetness attached to my kids getting older each year, it is my joy to send them off to school, and preschool, to learn and grow into amazing little humans! This is for you Mama's who may feel guilty. Don't. If our kids are excited to go out into the world and learn all the things, be proud! Encourage them! You can shed tears and still be excited that school is beginning for the year. You can jump for joy that the chaos is ending and the structure you crave is returning! This doesn't make you a bad Mom. You've worked all summer for this, and they will grow up and remember all the things you never thought were that big a deal. Like when you played with the Jack-in-the-box and it scared you to death, or that one time you rented a free Redbox and you all ate popcorn and skipped quiet time. You guys are rocking this Mom thing, don't sweat being excited to see them go to school.