Our Tiny Human

Oh my where on earth do I begin.  The past 2 1/2 months have been hard, frustrating, exhausting, and emotionally draining.  They have also been joyful, exciting, fulfilling, amazing, awe inspiring, and perfect!  I just don't think anything in life can prepare you for how amazing it is to be a Mommy.  I never thought I could love a tiny little human SO much!

People talk about how you will be tired, they talk about how amazing being a Mommy is.  Fact: You won't know what sleep deprivation is until you actually experience it.  You also adjust to it which is a little unsettling.  I enjoy sleep, but you learn to function without it, and sleeping for 6 hours in a row...  HEAVEN!  I did not know what I had before.  Haha!


People don't tell you how hard breastfeeding is at first and how you are SO tired you want to give up, getting dressed hurts, showering hurts, heck breastfeeding itself hurts like crap for the first few weeks!  Sure it's a wonderful and beautiful bonding experience, but to begin with it's frustrating and will bring you to tears.  My one piece of advice would be, don't give up, and if you get frustrated or need help don't be afraid to ASK for help.  The lactation consultants at Lewis Gale are AMAZING and I couldn't have done it without them.  I also had amazing support from Amie and Caitlyn.  It helps if you have someone who loves you to encourage you in the moments when you need it most.  Also, get some lanolin.  It will be your best friend!  In the end you will be glad you didn't give up:-)

Other things I have learned.  You don't care if you shower everyday, cooking or even eating food is an afterthought, forget having plans for yourself, clean clothes might be something you wear if you are lucky, and you sleep whenever and wherever possible!


My heart is just over the moon in love with my little girl!  I didn't know how much love my heart was capable of.  It's been wonderful watching Joshua with Shiloh and seeing him become a wonderful Daddy!  I can tell he loves her so much!  Instead of giving her kisses he gives her raspberries on her little head.  It's cute and I like to think of them as special Daddy kisses:-)

The time has flown by and I cannot believe she will be 3 months old soon!  How did that happen?  I have been adjusting to staying home with my little angel and being a SAHM.  I LOVE it!  Sure I have some hard days when I want a break but I wouldn't trade it for any job in the world!  I get to see my sweet girls face every morning, I get to play, and snuggle with her ALL day!  To top it off, I get smiles and giggles from her and that is such an amazing feeling.

I can't wait to see what this year holds and what we will do and experience with our new addition to our little family.  <3


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