My Biggest "Little" Fans
Oh how I love my niece and nephew! They are silly, happy goofy balls of life and I LOVE it! Autumn is on the left and Callum is on the right.
(He's not crying, I swear!)

My niece has just recently developed a great love for me. She loves me so much she wants to come live with me! Talk about feeling loved?!?! That being said, she is 4 and the reality of what living at Aunt Hannah and Uncle Josh's would really be like is non-existent. In her mind we eat ice cream, play, and watch movies all day! I may have spoiled her a bit...
My nephew is only 1 1/2 so he isn't as attached to hanging out with me but he is super cute!
(He loves to eat, can you tell?)

Then there is Bella. She is my sisters puppy and FULL of energy! She is about 4 months old in these pictures. Bella is a Bernese Mountain Dog and will prob weigh about 130-140lbs when full grown! She was clearly worn out from all the fun on Christmas!
