Whatever Happened to Purity?
Purity. Ah, the dreaded word. "You mean we have to wait till we get married to have sex?!?!?!!?" "Don't you have to test drive the car before you buy it?" Please explain to me how that helps? Have you ever really test drove a brand new car that was missing the parts to make it work? I don't understand how remaining pure till marriage ever turned into a bad thing that was super uncool...
Walking toward Joshua on our wedding day I was so excited! How long had I dreamed of this day? It was what seemed like forever! I had saved myself and remained pure for him, my future husband. How easy would it have been to give in to my desires and just fool around with him before this day. Not only had I kept myself pure by not having sex, I had also never kissed anyone! Who does that? Well the answer is me. So why wait? Was all that waiting worth it? I say yes, because not only had I saved myself, but God had protected Joshua and he had also waited for me. So on that hot day in August we had our first kiss in front of about 150 people. It is one of my favorite memories!
So what is my point in all of this? I find that time and time again people let me down. Whatever happened to purity? Why do people talk like they believe in it when they are really lying to you? It breaks my heart more, to think that people are casually having sex, fooling around, and other things yet are pretending they are not. I don't want your lies. I prefer someone to admit shortcomings and failures than to hide away and pretend they are not there.
I don't often talk about how I saved myself for my future husband. I think others might feel like I was bragging, rubbing it in or trying to make myself out to be better than those who have fallen short. Well why they heck shouldn't I brag? This was not an easy thing to do! I worked hard for my purity! That white dress had more meaning to me than most people who wear it! More than that I never even kissed a boy before my wedding day! I am so proud that I protected myself and put boundaries in my relationships so I could experience that moment! It upsets me to think of all the people who have given a part of themselves to SO many people. I have only one person and I love him with all my heart! What a gift to be able to give your future husband or wife!
Moral of the story is don't let people put you down for remaining pure. You will honor God in your life and you will have a wonderful gift for your future spouse! The last thing I will leave you with is this. I heard it the first time when I was about 12. Anytime you chose, you can kiss, have sex or give it up to someone... but never can someone who has given up their purity become like you! Purity is awesome and don't let people let you think otherwise!
Walking toward Joshua on our wedding day I was so excited! How long had I dreamed of this day? It was what seemed like forever! I had saved myself and remained pure for him, my future husband. How easy would it have been to give in to my desires and just fool around with him before this day. Not only had I kept myself pure by not having sex, I had also never kissed anyone! Who does that? Well the answer is me. So why wait? Was all that waiting worth it? I say yes, because not only had I saved myself, but God had protected Joshua and he had also waited for me. So on that hot day in August we had our first kiss in front of about 150 people. It is one of my favorite memories!
So what is my point in all of this? I find that time and time again people let me down. Whatever happened to purity? Why do people talk like they believe in it when they are really lying to you? It breaks my heart more, to think that people are casually having sex, fooling around, and other things yet are pretending they are not. I don't want your lies. I prefer someone to admit shortcomings and failures than to hide away and pretend they are not there.
I don't often talk about how I saved myself for my future husband. I think others might feel like I was bragging, rubbing it in or trying to make myself out to be better than those who have fallen short. Well why they heck shouldn't I brag? This was not an easy thing to do! I worked hard for my purity! That white dress had more meaning to me than most people who wear it! More than that I never even kissed a boy before my wedding day! I am so proud that I protected myself and put boundaries in my relationships so I could experience that moment! It upsets me to think of all the people who have given a part of themselves to SO many people. I have only one person and I love him with all my heart! What a gift to be able to give your future husband or wife!
Moral of the story is don't let people put you down for remaining pure. You will honor God in your life and you will have a wonderful gift for your future spouse! The last thing I will leave you with is this. I heard it the first time when I was about 12. Anytime you chose, you can kiss, have sex or give it up to someone... but never can someone who has given up their purity become like you! Purity is awesome and don't let people let you think otherwise!