Right Now
Right now you are napping in your crib! You normally nap for 2 hours
once a day. You LOVE books. It's kind of an obsession. You wave and
say "Bye bye" to anything and everyone. Lunchtime needs to happen by
11:30 or you start to fall apart. You recently learned how to climb up
onto the couch and sometimes it's enough to make Mommy's heart stop.
You are always so proud as I pull you down and tell you "Not without
Mommy or Daddy." Tears come instantly when you don't get your way.
They don't last long at all but you definitely let us know what you
think. Baths are the best thing ever. You will stay in the tub until
the water is cold and you are shivering. You think Olive is hilarious
and Chloe is wonderful. You like to lay your head on both of them and
pet them gently. Giving headbutts to Olive is also something you like
to do. You love to take "Selfies!" When Daddy gets home you run into the kitchen to greet him, and say "Daaaaa".
You are getting smarter and now know when Mommy is about to leave you
at church, this means lots of tears. Oh please pass quickly! You enjoy
sitting in boxes and baskets. I often just find you hanging out in
one. You are starting to say lots of words. You sign all kinds of
things. You get very excited when you've learned a new word or sign and
will say it over and over again. You know the good stuff is in the
fridge and try opening it all by yourself. When I'm cooking I often
find you walking around with a random condiment. We call you "Little
Bug" and boy are you a lot of fun currently!